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509 results:
08.06.2016 | News, Event | News, Event
POINT 5.0 - Political Accountability and New Technologies Conference
The fifth edition of the Point conference was held this year in Banja Luka and Sarajevo during May 25 to 28. The four-day-conference was filled with engaging panels, discussions, presentations and…  
25.05.2016 | Publication | Publication
Political Trends & Dynamics: April - May 2016
Peace and stability initiatives represent a decades-long cornerstone of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung’s work in southeastern Europe. Recent events have only reaffirmed the centrality of Southeast…  
24.05.2016 | News, Event | News, Event
Western Balkans Civil Society Forum Belgrade and Novi Sad
The Western Balkans Civil Society Fora are organized by a steering network of civil society organizations in Southeast Europe, comprising the European Fund for the Balkans, Erste Stiftung and…  
24.05.2016 | News | News
Offical website of FES Dialogue Southeast Europe
The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe is pleased to launch its official webpage.  
20.05.2016 | News, Event | News, Event
Spring School in Modern Diplomacy
This year again the FES Prishtina Office in Cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo organized the third in a row Spring School for Junior Diplomats. This event…  
426. Europe Calling  
Europe Calling is developing ideas for a social, fair and free Europe. Become a part of it! #ec16fes  
427. Europe Calling: Politics for Europe  
Financial crisis, economic crisis, refugee crisis: They are serving as centrifugal forces, polarising Europe and driving it apart. Recently, trust in the European Union and finding joint solutions…  
27.04.2016 | Event | Event
Activist Forum Tuzla: "The Social Dimension" of the Berlin Process
On April 18th and 19th, 2016, the FES Regional Dialogue South East office convened an activist forum in Tuzla, Bosnia-Herzegovina, entitled The “Social Dimension” of the Berlin Process: Grassroots…  
14.04.2016 | Event | Event
Dubrovnik Dialogue: Southeast Europe as Origin, Transit Route and Destination of Migration
For seventeen years running, the FES organizes the Dubrovnik Dialogue Process in Cavtat, Croatia and has established itself as a forum for members of parliament from southeast Europe, the German…  
01.01.2016 | Publication | Publication
Foreign Policy Papers: Western Balkans between Geography and Geopolitics
This volume of the journal Foreign Policy Papers, presented to the public by the Forum for International Relations of the European Movement in Serbia and the Fridrich Ebert Stiftung Belgrade Office,…  
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