ConFESsions Vodcast

FES SOE introduces ConFESsions Vodcast, created in 2021, primarily as a platform for environmental activists and individuals engaged in building eco-friendly environments across all areas of their lives. Last year, we started the podcast ConFESsions to share all of the tremendous efforts put by people in SEE to preserve and protect their surroundings. The episodes with environmental activists were tough, teachable, and emotional, and they made us realize that one type and cause of activism is more often than not isolated. Stories of protecting and sharing values are all around us, and all of these voices have their place in ConFESsions.

“We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced.” (Malala Yousafzai)

Like last year, each last Friday of the month, we will bring new stories from the region.

Understanding the constant evolving of communication tools and impact, FES SOE decided to launch our first ever podcast and dedicate it to none other than the activists. The Regional Dialogue has had a long-standing cooperation with different activists groups across the region, and we remain committed to offering them new and updated platforms for their actions. Their stories will most definitely inspire, motivate, and increase the awareness among the general public about all societal issues. Published once a month, reporter Hana Sokolović brings you true stories of the people who are real fighters for a better life in the region. If you would like to be inspired and motivated to raise your voices, learn more, and be the change you want to see in the world, this Podcast is the right place for you.

Find our podcast episodes on social media with the hashtags #FridayConFESsions #DemLeftFridays and join us, last Friday, each month starting April 2021.

The Podcast is inspired by the previous work of regional activists in cooperation with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, and brings you a renewed version of the Democratic Left in Southeast Europe.

Here is how we are deealing with the past:

Season 2

Episode 1: Jasminko Halilović (War Childhood Museum)

Episode 2: Irena Sterijovska (Colorful Revolution)

Episode 3: Arbër Kodra (Open Mind Spectrum Albania - OMSA)

Episode 4: Rada Borić

 Episode 5: Darko Ivanović (Regional Robin Hood)

Episode 6: Marija Srdić

Episode 7: Tonja Jerele (Rezistenca)

Season 1

Episode 1: Omer Hujdur (Jer nas se tiče) - Uborak Landfill


Episode 2: Aleksandar Jovanović Ćuta (Odbranimo reke Stare planine)

Episode 3: Rea Nepravishta (World Wildlife Fund Adria)

Episode 4: Nina Pantović (Organizacija KOD)

Episode 5: Vjeran Piršić (Eko Kvarner)

Episode 6: Shpresa Loshaj (Torches)

Episode 7: Uroš Macerl (Eko Krog)

ConFESsions Vodcast Season 1 Special

Dialogue Southeast Europe

Kupreška 20, 71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

+387 33 711 540
+387 33 711 541

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Meet Hana Sokolović

Hana Sokolović is a 26-year-old journalist, psychologist and an activist. Since recently, she is fully dedicated to development of a non-governmental organization she founded – Network of activist changes, implementing projects on human rights. Hana has experience working as a journalist, anchor, editor, moderator, and researcher. She is an alumna of the Council of Europe Schools of political studies in Bosnia and Herzegovina.