Social and Economic Justice

Substantive democratic governance practices are rooted in fair and equitable economic arrangements. Social justice, more broadly, is intrinsic to the regional agenda the FES advances through its respective offices and individual projects. In close cooperation with  sister offices, Dialogue SOE organizes platforms and provides comparative analysis on regional economic and social policies with a view to assessing their societal impact and formulating recommendations towards more fair, sustainable, and participatory policy making. Our recently published regional youth studies demonstrate the kinds of intersections of economic, social, and political justice which inform our advocacy efforts.

Economics and Social Democracy


15.05.2024 | News, Socio-ecological transformation in SEE, Social and Economic Justice, Social Democratic Politics and Values, Event

In cooperation between the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung projects FES Dialogue Southeast Europe and FES Croatia and Slovenia, as well as local partners, a…


18.05.2022 | Social and Economic Justice, Social Democratic Politics and Values, News, Socio-ecological transformation in SEE, Event

New publication in cooperation with European Alternatives gives fore to Workers without Borders, or more precisely, the rights of workers from the…


26.10.2021 | Progressive Peace Policy, Social and Economic Justice, Social Democratic Politics and Values, News, Event

From 16th to 17th September, the first of its kind Engaged Democracy Convention under the slogan Engage, Inspire, Empower! took place in Belgrade. The…



24.04.2023 | Publication Social and Economic Justice, News, Social Democratic Politics and Values, Event

Europeanization or marginalization? Despite the European Union’s (EU) emphasis on the free movement of workers within the EU as part of the…


| Publication, Publication Social Democratic Politics and Values, Publication Social and Economic Justice

EU citizens and Third Country Nationals are formally in very different situations when it comes to their mobility and rights in the European Union.…


| Publication, Social Dimension of EU Enlargement, Publication Social and Economic Justice, Publication Social Democratic Politics and Values

In the Western Balkans, the COVID-19 pandemic has been met by already weak social protection systems. The broader social impacts are likely to be both…


Dialogue Southeast Europe

Kupreška 20, 71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

+387 33 711 540
+387 33 711 541

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FES Social Dialogue

FES Social Dialogue

Learn more about the FES Regional Project on Labour Relations and Social Dialogue for Central Eastern and Southeast Europe. More

Good Society - Social Democracy 2017plus

Good Society - Social Democracy 2017plus

What makes a "Good Society"? The FES brings together German, European, and international perspectives to spark debates, exchange, sometimes arguments; essentially, new ideas for social innovation. More