
Call for Applications: Energy journalism program at the Energy Community Summer School 2021

We invite all journalists up to the age of thirty-five (35) from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Turkey to apply for the Energy Summer School 2021, which will take place in Vienna from 21st to 28th of August 2021.

Energy Community Summer School is a program initiated by the Energy Community Secretariat in 2015 to promote the development of participant's competencies in topics related to energy. Summer School has a dedicated, multi-disciplinary program and provides a platform to exchange and contribute to shaping the future of all energy sectors. It targets highly motivated postgraduate students (masters or PhD), researchers from all energy-related disciplines, and young professionals. This year, Energy Community Secretariat and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe partner to provide a unique addition to the Summer School program, focusing on energy journalism.

FES SOE recognizes the challenges for energy transition across the region and is devoted to advancing a socio-ecological transformation. We have committed to several activities that will aid this holistic approach to the energy transition, one of them being the promotion of energy journalism.  Acknowledging the role of energy journalism in unveiling facts and processes related to the energy transition and creating positive narratives that build social acceptance for the transition, we wish to contribute to the training of energy journalists in the region.

We invite all journalists up to the age of thirty-five (35) from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Turkey to apply for the Energy Summer School 2021, which will take place in Vienna from 21st to 28th of August 2021. Experience in energy journalism is not a must, but we do count on avid interest for the topics that energy journalism covers and willingness to learn more. Apart from the lectures given to all Summer School participants, the energy journalism training within this year's program will cover a full-day specialized training for the selected journalists. For participants selected through this open call, all accommodation and travelling costs will be covered, including travelling costs incurring from requirements to travel to Austria under COVID-19 regulations.[1]

To apply, please submit:

  • The latest version of your CV;
  • A short piece (700 words) written on within the general topic of Political context and socio-economic implications of energy transition in the Western Balkans[2]; you can narrow the scope of your piece as long as it fits the general topic (pdf document);
  • And/or link to any published article you may have on topics related to energy journalism (this is not an eliminatory requirement, but we would like to see your experience level if you have any; submit direct links in the application e-mail).

All applications should be submitted no later than Friday, July 9th 2021 to the e-mail address selma.sehovic(at)fes-soe.organd info(at)fes-soe.org, however, all applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.



[1] Disclaimer: Event realization will depend on the circumstances of the global health situation, and possible changes on the level of national and EU directives, as dictated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

[2]Useful links: Energy Community Secretariat Documents;  Socio-Ecological Transformation in Southeast Europe (FES Dialogue SOE); #TransitionTuesday Campaign by FES Dialogue SOE on Facebook and Instagram.

Dialogue Southeast Europe

Kupreška 20, 71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

+387 33 711 540
+387 33 711 541

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