
Call for Papers: 200 Years of Karl Marx

As a prelude to Karl Marx' 200th birthday, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung will be organizing a conference to commemorate the legacy of one of the greatest European and worldly thinkers of the modern era.

Almost ten years ago, in September 2007, the world experienced one of the deepest crises modern capitalism has yet witnessed, a crisis still ongoing making Marx' thought more relevant than ever.

The rise of inequality, the backlash of right-wing populism and extremism that is haunting Europe now coupled with an ever-expanding digital technological revolution are contesting the safeguards established by the old model of the European welfare state.

The FES calls on all interested individuals to propose papers for the conference on questions such as:

  • How does Marx' thought help us understand the crisis of modern capitalism?
  • What will happen to the relation of labor and workers in the wake of the digital technological revolution?
  • How can we use Marx' thought to better understand the levels of inequality the current socio-economic order is generating?
  • What happened to the idea of the “working class” and does it have any political agency today?
  • Are there any alternatives that go beyond capitalism towards creating social utopias?

Join us in London on September 8th, 2017 to discuss these issues. If you would like to submit paper proposals, please follow this link.   

Dialogue Southeast Europe

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