
ConFESsions Vodcast Episode 5: Darko Ivanović (Regional Robin Hood)

Our July episode of ConFESsions Vodcast, brings a conversation with Darko Ivanović, journalist, producer and activist from Montenegro.

The full episode is available on the ConFESsions Vodcast YouTube channel. 

Hana Sokolović spoke with Darko about the project Regional Robin Hood, a show produced and shown in 5 countries of the region. Among other topics, Regional Robin Hood deals with structural inequalities, that are, unfortunately, common to all the countries covered. The project started without the regional prefix, and through Robin Hood episodes, activists and journalists working with Darko, managed to use media pressure to bring about factual changes in their communities.

In addition, Darko spoke about the need for activism in journalism, his own experiences - including being arrested - advancing democracy and accountability of governmental institutions, battling corruption, and the important role of media in creating momentum for vital changes. Tune in for the full episode with Darko Ivanović for more!

Reporter: Hana Sokolović

For more information, check out our social media and website and stay tuned; the next vodcast goes live end of August! #ConFESsionsVodcast

Disclaimer: The opinions stated by the podcast participants do not necessarily reflect the attitudes and opinions of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. All rights reserved.

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