
ConFESsions Vodcast Season 2 Episode 4: Rada Borić

In our June episode, Hana Sokolović spoke with Rada Borić - a lifelong feminist, women's-, human rights and peace activist, and elected politician.

Watch the full episode on the ConFESsions Vodcast YouTube channel.

In this episode, Rada gave a feminist perspective on some of the most current challenges women face, from the recent resurgence of abortion bans and abortion contestations to the last three decades of women's engagement in the region.

Rada spoke about politics, reconciliation, equality, and sexual and reproductive rights - and fascinatingly so, from her experience in advocating and fighting for the advancement of treatment of women in all of these different segments.

To try and summarize all the poignant arguments and examples she lists wouldn't do the proper justice to everything the episode entails; that's why we encourage you to see the full episode yourself.

Reporter: Hana Sokolović

For more information, check out our social media and website and stay tuned; the next vodcast goes live end of July! #ConFESsionsVodcast Disclaimer: The opinions stated by the podcast participants do not necessarily reflect the attitudes and opinions of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. All rights reserved.

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