
Diplomatic School on Human Rights and Democracy

For the fourth time now, the FES Prishtina office, together with the Kosovar Ministry of Foreign Affairs organized the Diplomatic School on Human Rights and Democracy, which has been an ongoing project since 2014.

The school is conceptualized as a regional political forum for educating and fostering dialogue between new generations of diplomats from different countries in the Western Balkans. The school took place in Prishtina and gathered more than twenty young diplomats from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia and Montenegro.

Topics discussed during the school included dynamics of diplomacy, combating violent extremism and terrorist exploitation of the migrant crisis, Euro-Atlantic security in the Balkans, the implications of Brexit for the region of southeast Europe, Russia’s geopolitical ambitions towards the region, human rights, Kosovo’s decentralization process, statehood and recognition, normalization processes and energy and water security.

The summer school aims to create spaces for young diplomats to question the regional political context in the Western Balkans, whilst creating networks and a platform for the exchange of experiences among countries.

Dialogue Southeast Europe

Kupreška 20, 71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

+387 33 711 540
+387 33 711 541

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