
Energy Summer School 2022: Sarajevo

From 20th to 27th August, Sarajevo hosts the 6th edition of the Energy Community Secretariat's Summer School in cooperation with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe, Faculty of Political Sciences, and the Visegrad Fund. The program gathers participants from all over the world and different scientific fields, from nuclear engineering to journalism – emphasizing how vital a multifaceted approach is to all aspects of energy.

The Energy Summer School is a program initiated by the Energy Community Secretariat in 2015 to promote the development of participant's competencies in energy-related topics. Summer School has a dedicated, multi-disciplinary program and provides a platform to exchange and contribute to shaping the future of all energy sectors. It targets highly motivated postgraduate students (masters or Ph.D.), researchers from all energy-related disciplines, and young professionals. 

Acknowledging the role of energy journalism in unveiling facts and processes related to the energy transition and creating positive narratives that build social acceptance for the transition, we continue our support to the training of energy journalists in the region and the Energy Summer School is an important avenue in achieving that. Following successful cooperation in 2021, FES Dialogue Southeast Europe partnered with the Summer School to host a unique addition to the advanced and diverse program focusing on energy journalism, especially in this region. This year's energy journalism program features a full-day interactive lecture with EURACTIV's Kira Taylor.

The Summer School was officially opened on Saturday, with a welcome address from Prof. Dr. Sead Turčalo (Faculty of Political Sciences UNSA), Prof. Dr. Enita Nakaš (Rectorate of the University of Sarajevo), Gilles Rebattet (Chief of Operations, Delegation of EU To BiH), Prof. Dr. Dirk Buschle (Deputy Director, Energy Community Secretariat) and Dr. Ralf Melzer (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Dialogue SOE).

In addition to the lectures with prominent members of different academic and professional fields, participants network and work with each other in various workshop settings. The organizers also provided field visits to hydropower plant Doljanka and wind farm Podveležje in Herzegovina to complement the ex-cathedra part. The field visits tied perfectly into the thematic portion of the program but also served as an opportunity for the participants to explore at least a part of Bosnia and Herzegovina during their stay.

We look forward to continuing our work on energy transition in the region and achieving our goals with proactive and valuable partners such as the Energy Summer School.

Dialogue Southeast Europe

Kupreška 20, 71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

+387 33 711 540
+387 33 711 541

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