
Engaged Democracy Convention Vol. 2, Pristina

For second time, the “Engaged Democracy Convention – Engage, Inspire, Empower!” gathered local initiatives, researchers, civil society representatives, and active citizens from the Western Balkans. This year, the event took place in Pristina, Kosovo, from May 17th to 20th . The conference is a continuation of the activities in the framework of the Engaged Democracy Initiative (EDI), founded by the Institute for Democratic Engagement in Southeast Europe (IDESE) and the European Fund for the Balkans (EFB). Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe was the partner for the first EDI convention in 2021 in Belgrade, and this year as well, together with the Europe Endowment for Democracy.

Overall, around 100 individuals and representatives of local movements, initiatives, or organizations from Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Albania worked together on inspiring new ideas over the course of three days. The Engaged Democracy Initiative is one of the few occasions where all the activists from the region come together and exchange their ideas and build connections with each other.

Within the scope of EDI, important issues are addressed, such as democratization, solidarity, democratic societies, social justice, and accountability of institutions from the Western Balkans. EDI deals specifically with five important topics: environment, decent work, public space, media, and human rights from the region.

This year’s convention took place in Termokiss, a community-run center with the mission of urban and civil exchange, reflection, and change-making. Termokiss provided a welcoming space for everyone, especially those whose voices and contributions are not always heard or appreciated in their immediate surroundings. The first working day of the convention began with a session about the current state of democracy and the pressures that media and journalists face in the region. For the second working day, we worked in groups on each of the five thematic challenges addressed through EDI. Finally, activists got to engage in a pitching session where they could present their initiatives, movements, or organizations. An EDI jury announced the best project pitches at the end of the convention.

The aim of EDI was to boost and connect individuals and organizations in the region to change the future. We hope that the connections built between engaged citizens from the region will continue in hopes of creating engaged, inspiring, and democratic communities across the Western Balkans.

Dialogue Southeast Europe

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