
Invitation: WB Energy Transition: Fit or fail for the EU?

Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung EU and SOE offices, in media cooperation with EURACTIV, are pleased to invite you to the online discussion on the energy transition in the Western Balkans. On June 17, from 5.00 to 6.30 pm CET, we will present the findings of our latest Study on the Political Economy of Energy Transition in the WB.

As the EU braces for even more ambitious emission reductions through its Fit for 55 plans, we want to show where the WB region stands on the energy transition and whether it is a fitor a fail for the EU.

The objective is to raise awareness at the EU level about the difficulties in implementing a progressive energy transition agenda in the WB and how potential derailment could affect the EU in its responsibilities or policy coherence. We also want to show political avenues and instruments to address these challenges, particularly by the EU actors. Ultimately, we want to increase the EU political support for the transition. By showing this form of solidarity to its next-door neighbors, the EU could gain additional credibility in being a global leader in climate neutrality and decarbonization efforts. A true win-win for the WB region and the EU.


  • Introduction and welcome address by Dr. Ralf Melzer, Director, FES SOE Regional Dialogue SOE
  • Presentation of the main findings of the PEET Study, Pippa Gallop, Bankwatch CEE (Study partner)
  • Commentary of the Study findings by: Dr. Janez Kopac, Director, Energy Community Secretariat, Delara Burkhardt MEP, Lutz Weischer, Germanwatch, Aleksandar Vigne, DG NEAR


Moderated by Dave Keating, EURACTIV.


Please register via Zoom and join us for the discussion. #FES4ET

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