
Political Trends & Dynamics: New edition coming in April

The COVID19 pandemic has consumed our thoughts, behaviors, socio-economic circumstances, and overall well-being for the last two years. To add insult to injury in the times of tremendous uncertainties, the world was once again proven the importance of preserving and building peace, which is not a given – especially in the perspective of dictators, who view peace as a bargaining chip.

As Southeast European countries closely observe the humanitarian and political crisis unfolding in their neighborhood, the citizens fear a new catastrophe on the horizon, marred by experiences of the 90s. With no clear ending in sight, the Russian invasion of Ukraine sounded all alarms that consequences for the course of history, policy- and decision-making would be vast: from the adverse supply shock triggered by the rise in oil and gas prices, energy independence measures, the inflow of refugees from Ukraine, to the unprecedented shifts in defense budgeting and defense policies of European countries. For Moscow, being drained of the expected victories by the minute is presumed to expand the focus beyond Ukraine at the peril of SEE countries.

The next issue of our „Political Trends & Dynamics“ brings objective analysis on different aspects of the aggression on Ukraine, as well as the expected consequences for Southeast Europe. One thing is certain – the international scene and the multilateralism we have known has been completely upended past February 24th. In such circumstances, pointing out facts and truth is one of the best tools. What will be the immediate security implications? How could these events affect political tensions within the region and existing ties to Russia? Will the significant policy shifts adopted by Germany and the EU due to the conflict also affect their engagement in Southeast Europe? These questions and many more will be explored in this upcoming edition.

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