
Strategic Workshop on Socio-Ecological Transformation in SEE: Krk

From 5th to 8th of July, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung organized an internal workshop on the Socio-Ecological Transformation in Southeast Europe on the „Green Island“ of Croatia, Krk. During the two first days of the workshop, the goal was to introduce the multitude of perspectives related to this topic, as well as map important change makers in the region, with best practice examples on facilitating the transformation process.

That is why FES Zagreb and Dialogue Southeast Europe organized a set of activities with external inputs and study visits, so that the internal discussion could follow the needs and realities of the region as closely as possible. First in line of those activities was an input on climate crisis as a global challenge: the current state of the arts, potential risks and post-covid expectations, provided by Rebecca Popp from E3G. During this session, the participants familiarized themselves with core challenges of the crisis, and the global opportunities of socio-ecological transformation. This session was followed by inputs on the current answers to the climate crisis related challenges on a European level. Mario Munta, from the Faculty of Political Sciences in Zagreb, gave us an overview of the EU Green Deal, and the roadmap for its implementation, with an emphasis on potential implications and opportunities for Southeast Europe.

Afterwards, the focus of the debates was narrowed to energy transition in Southeast Europe, with inputs from the FES SOE regional studies on Political Economy of Energy Transition and Inclusive Energy Transition as an Opportunity in Southeast Europe. The presentation of the findings was followed by a panel discussion, with inputs from Dragan Minovski, Mirjana Jovanović and Vjeran Piršić on energy transition challenges and potentials in the region. The aim of these session was to expand the findings of the two studies, and contextualize them with practical examples from the field, that were provided by the experts.

For the second day, the participants of the workshop visited Mirela Ahmetović, the Mayor of Omišalj and Member of Parliament in Croatia. Through this visit and the conversation with the Mayor, the participants got more familiar with the work that the local government and community invested to facilitate the transformation of Krk into a true agent of change. The participants also had a quick tour through the picturesque town of Omišalj. Nevertheless, we also got to see the LNG terminal and refinery, that was considered by experts and locals to be a risk for the maritime ecosystem, and the subject of activists' struggles on Krk.

For a last round of external inputs, the participants of the workshop worked in smaller groups on topics of just energy transition and job creation, circular economy, and mobility. The aim of the session was to gather good practice examples from practitioners in the field to illustrate the huge potential of SET in the region. The inputs were delivered by Mirela Holy, Mirjana Jovanović and Robert Zanony. Last but not least, Stephanie E. Trpkov provided the participants with key points on how to transform recommendations to reality, and what the financing options for a sustainable transition are.

The Socio-Ecological Transformation Workshop continued for additional two days, during which FES colleagues from around the region and beyond worked together on improving the activities of the Foundation towards a socially just transformation in Southeast Europe.

Dialogue Southeast Europe

Kupreška 20, 71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

+387 33 711 540
+387 33 711 541

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