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512 results:
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Kosovo National Youth Congress
Kosovo is one of the countries with the youngest population in Europe. This youth Therefore should be a respective part in policy and decision-making. But, unfortunately, due to lack of the…  
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The Kosovo We Want
After several months of research and discussion, some of the civil society organizations decided that there is a need fora civic platform in which main challenges of the Kosovo society would be…  
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Beyond Enlargement - Why the EU‘s Western Balkans Policy Needs a Reset
Brussels has pledged that the next round of EU enlargement may begin as early as 2025. First in line are Serbia and Montenegro, but EU officials claim all the “Western Balkan Six” (WB6) …  
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Serbia and Kosovo in 2035: Scenarios
Four scenarios on the state of relations between Serbia and Kosovo in 2035 were developed by a multinational Scenario Group from September 2017 till February 2018. The scenarios do not…  
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Political Trends and Dynamics: The Digital Frontier in Southeast Europe
A specter is haunting Southeast Europe — the specter of digital transformation. At least, that it is the hope by many in Europe and the region itself. Still largely defined by (the remains) of…  
| News, Event | News, Event
Munich Event on the Renewal of the Left in Europe
Another encounter of the Democratic Left in Southeast Europe initiative (#DemLeftSEE ) discussing the crisis, future, and renewal of the Left took place in Munich on March 20, 2018. This discussion,…  
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Call for Position Papers for the Democratic Left in Southeast Europe
The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung worked throughout 2016 and 2017 on an initiative called the Democratic Left in Southeast Europe #DemLeftSEE.  
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Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and RYCO Present Results of Major Regional Youth Survey
On the occasion of the Western Balkans Youth Conference “Active Citizens” that will be held in Prishtina on 26-27 March 2018, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and the Regional Youth Cooperation…  
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Award Ceremony for Prof Branko Milanović: Global Inequality – A New Approach for the Age of Globalization
Since the outbreak of the latest financial and economic crisis in 2007/2008, at the very latest, it has become apparent that those of the usual economic theoretical models, especially the so-called…  
| News, Event | News, Event
The Democratic Left in SEE Launched
Meeting in Activist Fora since 2016 in Tuzla, Skopje, Cluj-Napoca, Prizren, Tirana, Rijeka and Sarajevo, activists throughout the continent have identified several political positions as priorities…  
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