
Latest News and Events

21.06.2022 | News, Event

On 17 and 18 June, the ‘Friends of the Western Balkans’, the newly established network of social-democratic Members of Parliaments and Members of the European Parliament from across the EU, met for the first time in Sarajevo. They committed to joining forces and promoting action to revitalise the EU enlargement to the…


17.06.2022 | News, Event

Sarajevo hosts the first 'Friends of the Western Balkans' meeting – a newly established network of social-democratic Members of Parliaments and Members of the European Parliament from across Europe, aiming to revitalise the EU Enlargement to the Western Balkans. In the two days, the MPs and MEPs will exchange a…


31.05.2022 | News, Event

This programme will gather youth from the Western Balkans to attend Sarajevo Film Festival and through their eyes tell the story of intercultural dialogue, youth cooperation, diversity and peace building.


30.05.2022 | News, Event

On the 17th of May, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe cooperated with the Austro-French Centre for Rapprochement in Europe, the Karl-Renner Institute, and the Institute for International Peace, organized the “Western Balkans Manifesto for the Future of Europe“ presentation in Vienna. The…


27.05.2022 | News, Event

In the newest episode of ConFESsions, Hana spoke with Arbër, executive director of OMSA, an Albanian organization fighting for equality for LGBTQI+ and other marginalized groups in Albania, just in time for #pridemonth2022.


18.05.2022 | Social and Economic Justice, Social Democratic Politics and Values, News, Socio-ecological transformation in SEE, Event

New publication in cooperation with European Alternatives gives fore to Workers without Borders, or more precisely, the rights of workers from the Balkans inside the European Union. EU citizens and Third Country Nationals are formally in very different situations when it comes to their mobility and rights in the…


16.05.2022 | News, Social Democratic Politics and Values, Event

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, office in Belgrade and the FES SOE regional office in Sarajevo, in cooperation with Women’s Leadership Academy (Serbia), organize a political educational program for women in social-democratic political parties and organizations from Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, Kosovo,…


06.05.2022 | Publication, Publication Political Trends & Dynamics, News, Event

Europe is regrettably witnessing a return of war. Russia’s assault on Ukraine, a sovereign European nation, is likely to become the largest European conflict in decades, which has brought back horrors from the past, already taken a catastrophic human toll, and generated a great migration crisis on the continent. The…


29.04.2022 | Social Democratic Politics and Values, News, Event

The Conference on the Future of Europe nears its formal end, but the debates around the European project, about its future deepening and widening, will certainly go on. To contribute to this reflection and broaden its scope, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe and the Austro-French Center for…


29.04.2022 | News, Event

Almost 6 years ago, North Macedonian citizens took to the streets and painted them with colors of freedom. The Colorful Revolution was a citizen-led non-violent protest that demanded accountability from the then President, Prime Minister, and Government. The Revolution managed to achieve a change of regime and…


Dialogue Southeast Europe

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

+387 33 711 540
+387 33 711 541

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