
EcoIslands: Astypalea

This May, the Greek island of Astypalea hosted an insightful seminar on exchanging best sustainable practices, focusing on e-mobility and the AstyMove initiative. This event, organized by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung offices FES Greece, FES Croatia, and FES Dialogue Southeast Europe, is part of the ongoing EcoIslands project that started last year. Participants included academics, civil society members, and local governance officials from Greece, Bulgaria, and Croatia, who gathered to learn from Astypalea’s commendable sustainability efforts.

Group photo of 12 people attending a seminar on Greek island Astypalea with the old town of Astypalea in the background of the image.

© Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe

Seminar image with five people on stage holding a panel discussion and several persons in the audience.

© Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe

Image of VW e-bus on Astypalea with the branding of the AstyBus e-mobility initiative with the old town of Astypalea in the background.

© Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe

Image of a woman standing on a terrace with a background of island vegetation and white buildings typically associated with some of the Greek islands.

© Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe

Group photo of fourteen people on a terrace in front of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung conference banner.

© Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe

Astypalea's contributions to sustainability are deeply rooted in its rich history and traditional architecture, complemented by its ambitious journey to become the first carbon-neutral, sustainable Greek island. The driving force behind this transformation is a community committed to preserving the island's natural beauty. Astypalea is at the forefront of implementing e-mobility projects and advocating participatory planning initiatives that involve its citizens, moving closer to the 100% renewable energy sources (RES) vision.

Mayor Nikolaos Komineas shared his insights with the participants. He emphasized the importance of a holistic approach to sustainability, illustrating how the e-mobility project’s success began with the realization that “we need to be walking more,” In other words, the first step in sustainability is reducing consumption and supplementing our transportation needs. For the remaining needs, we can use various models, such as car-sharing options, e-bikes, and e-cars, all of which are already available on Astypalea. "We are not pioneers in thinking; we don't need to think about this first, but we are pioneers in doing," he remarked.

One of the standout projects discussed was AstyMove, a unique e-mobility initiative offering individual e-car and e-bike rentals and a car-sharing service called AstyBus. Through a mobile app, users can select their service, add a payment card, and pay per use, promoting sustainable transportation powered by clean energy for tourists and locals.

This initiative has garnered particular support from older residents, and overall support for the project increased by 25% among island residents in just the first two years, according to the K2 Development Organization of South Aegean Region SA, which is implementing the AstyBus project. When asked which best practice from the island they would like to export to other areas, including Athens, the unanimous answer from locals and officials alike was AstyMove and e-mobility.

During the two-day seminar, participants evaluated best practices from similar communities, including Croatian and Greek islands. They discussed how these practices could serve as models for larger urban areas on the mainland. Despite varied approaches and results, the universal need for community engagement emerged as a common theme. Strong connections with the community ensure that sustainability projects meet local needs and gain acceptance from those directly affected, a crucial element for the success and scalability of sustainable initiatives.

A voice from the community, Lambrini Grigori, the Dean of Astypalea's Gymnasium, shared her perspective. Initially, she says many locals were skeptical about sustainability and e-mobility projects, and she highlighted how effective communication and information from external stakeholders and the local government helped the community understand and embrace these initiatives. "Although we are a small island and far from central Greece, we can become a role model," she said, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the island's traditional character while progressing towards sustainability.

The seminar underscored that energy transition must be inclusive, address community concerns, and work towards a shared vision. Astypalea's commitment to sustainability is an excellent example of inspiration, demonstrating that any community with thorough commitment can lead the way in creating a greener, more sustainable future.


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