
FES Youth Studies 2018: Messaging Workshop Berlin

An FES workshop was organized in Berlin on 27 October 2018 with the aim to continue reflections on the main findings of the Youth Studies, which were simultaneously conducted in 10 countries of Southeast Europe during 2018. Before next year’s official and public launch of the studies, the workshop in Berlin was organized with the aim to formulate messages and to reflect on an outreach strategy as well as on methodological issues.

Unlike a previous meeting in <link news-list e fes-youth-studies-2018-validation-policy-workshop>Zagreb, the meeting in Berlin was attended only by FES staff and the authors of the regional comparative report. Given that the drafts of both the national as well as the comparative report are being currently in the final drafting phase, the main objective of this workshop was to start the development of political messages relevant to the FES and its stakeholders.

The workshop was opened by inputs from Brussels and Berlin on what the major interest for stakeholders regarding youth and Southeast Europe might be. Issues such as migration and education (including exchange programs) were highlighted, but ‘traditional’ topics such as the rule of law, corruption, democracy featured high on the agenda as well. Next year’s European Parliament elections will play a crucial factor, but also in Germany a new migration law for the Western Balkans is currently being prepared, increasing the political relevance of the Youth Studies.

During the discussion on the actual study results, the precarious position of youth in the labor market, social inequality, the acceptance of informal practices and corruption, the migration potential, political orientations of youth, and young people’s linkage to their parents’ homes, were named as the most important findings. The workshop continued with a detailed discussion and deliberation on recommendations.

The following sessions focused on target groups and communication channels through which messages would be disseminated (website, infographics, videos, op-eds etc.), as well as on some crucial remaining methodological issues (where and how to store the data, under which academic conditions should the reports be published etc.).

The FES Youth Studies will be published at the beginning of 2019, follow this website for updates.

Dialogue Southeast Europe

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