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512 results:
| News, Event | News, Event
Western Balkans Perspectives on the Future of Europe: Sarajevo
On 20th of November, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe and the Austro-French Centre for Rapprochement in Europe organized the second focus group discussion in the Western Balkans…  
| News, Event | News, Event
Sofia Summit 2020: (Is) the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans finally on the Agenda (?)
On 11th November, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Dialogue Southeast Europe organized an online panel discussion titled „(Is) the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans…  
| News, Event | News, Event
Live Stream: Far-right international in Southeast Europe
We would like to invite you to attend the live stream session on Far-right international in Southeast Europe – How it ruins democracy and supports the rise of authoritarianism on upcoming Monday,…  
| News, Event | News, Event
Human Rights Award 2020 Berlin
On 16th November, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung hosted the Human Rights Award 2020 ceremony in Berlin. This year's award was given to the Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Mr. Zoran Zaev, for his…  
| Publication | Publication
Socijalna Dimenzija Procesa Pristupanja Srbije Europskoj Uniji
Ključni zakoni i mere donose se bez neophodnih konsultacija sa socijalnim partnerima, a u planu je donošenje novog zakona o radu, zakona o štrajku, zakona o socijalnoj zaštiti. Siromaštvo i brojne…  
| Publication | Publication
Radical Political Engagement in Southeast Europe
The level of divisiveness and polarization we are witnessing today demands a more careful consideration of the social processes driving the radical forms of political engagement, of the dynamics of…  
| News, Event | News, Event
Live streaming: Human Rights Award Ceremony 2020
We hereby invite you to attend the online streaming of the Human Rights Award 2020 ceremony that will be held next Monday, 16th of November in Berlin from 4-5:30 pm CET. Unfortunatelly, due to…  
| Publication | Publication
Political Trends & Dynamics: The Far-Right in the EU and the Western Balkans
The growing popularity and influence of reactionary, far-right movements represent an acute threat to regional and collective security and democracy in the 21st century. The rising tide of such…  
| News, Event | News, Event
Call for Applicants: The Regional Academy of Public Policies, Education and Sustainable Employment
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Regional Dialogue Southeast Europe and Belgrade Office are opening a competition for the selection of participants in the first online Regional Academy of Public Policies -…  
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Refugees and Migrants in the Triangle of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia
The public and the media rarely make a distinction between the terms "refugees" and "migrants", and in many cases they use the phrase "illegal migrants". It is clear that only an act itself can be…  
Search results 191 until 200 of 512