
Latest News and Events

06.05.2021 | Social and Economic Justice, Social Democratic Politics and Values, News, EPP TU Related Work, Socio-ecological transformation in SEE, Event

On May 6th Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe organized an online briefing session on Energy Transition in the Western Balkans. Six months after adopting the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans and ahead of the EU's Fit for 55 package, we looked into what was done and what are the next steps.


04.05.2021 | News, EPP TU Related Work, Socio-ecological transformation in SEE, Social Democratic Politics and Values, Event

On April 30th, we launched ConFESions: a series of video podcasts that will host regional environmental activists from Southeast Europe and give them the opportunity to speak about the evnironmental cause they are fighting for. For the first episode, our reporter Hana Sokolović spoke with Omer Hujdur from civil…


22.01.2021 | Social Democratic Politics and Values, News, Event

On January 5th, 2021, Dr. Ralf Melzer, director of FES Dialogue Southeast Europe, and Saša Vasić, Program Manager at FES Dialogue Southeast Europe, paid a visit to “Jer nas se tiče” non-profit organization in Mostar. This visit was also an opportunity to deliver a donation from FES for their work.


23.12.2020 | News, Event

Friedrich Ebert Stifung Dialogue Southeast Europe wishes you safe and happy holidays! This year, keeping our holiday cheer is much more difficult, yet it can help us through these peculiar times. From the entire FES Dialogue Southeast Europe team, we wish you pleasant and safe holidays. Physical distancing is still…


14.12.2020 | Social Democratic Politics and Values, News, Event

At today’s Annual General Assembly of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V. (FES), Martin Schulz was elected as the new President.


08.12.2020 | Social Democratic Politics and Values, News, Event

On 30th of November, FES SOE organized an online conference with the Institute for Democratic Engagement Southeast Europe (IDESE), that was dedicated to the topic of the Far-Right in (Southeast) Europe.


03.12.2020 | News, Social Democratic Politics and Values, Event

On 20th of November, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe and the Austro-French Centre for Rapprochement in Europe organized the second focus group discussion in the Western Balkans Discuss the Future of Europe series. The event gathered academics, journalists, politicians, members of parliaments,…


01.12.2020 | News, Socio-ecological transformation in SEE, Event

On 11th November, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Dialogue Southeast Europe organized an online panel discussion titled „(Is) the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans finally on the Agenda (?)“, following the Sofia Summit, which took place the day before, and within the Berlin Process…


27.11.2020 | Social Democratic Politics and Values, News, Event

We would like to invite you to attend the live stream session on Far-right international in Southeast Europe – How it ruins democracy and supports the rise of authoritarianism on upcoming Monday, November 30th from 17:30. The live-stream will be hosted on our Facebook page.



24.11.2020 | Progressive Peace Policy, News, Event

On 16th November, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung hosted the Human Rights Award 2020 ceremony in Berlin. This year's award was given to the Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Mr. Zoran Zaev, for his personal commitment to the conclusion of the Prespa Agreement and his efforts towards a European future and a free and open…


Dialogue Southeast Europe

Kupreška 20, 71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

+387 33 711 540
+387 33 711 541

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