
Latest News and Events

14.07.2021 | Social Democratic Politics and Values, News, Event

On May 19th, FES Dialogue Southeast Europe, FES Belgrade, and the Austro-French Centre for Rapprochement in Europe organized the fourth focus group discussion in the Western Balkans Perspectives on the Future of Europe series. The Belgrade event was also the first focus group in 2021. It took place at the Dorćol Platz,…


29.06.2021 | Social Democratic Politics and Values, News, EPP TU Related Work, Socio-ecological transformation in SEE, Event

We invite all journalists up to the age of thirty-five (35) from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Turkey to apply for the Energy Summer School 2021, which will take place in Vienna from 21st to 28th of August 2021.


25.06.2021 | Social Democratic Politics and Values, News, EPP TU Related Work, Socio-ecological transformation in SEE, Event

Episode 3 features Rea Nepravishta, an environmental activist and feminist from Albania. Rea has been engaged with her fellow activists in several battles to preserve nature in Albania.


24.06.2021 | Social and Economic Justice, Social Democratic Politics and Values, News, EPP TU Related Work, Socio-ecological transformation in SEE, Event

On June 17th, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung EU Office in Brussels and Dialogue Southeast Europe in Sarajevo organized an online presentation and commentary of the initial results of the FES SOE Study on the Political Economy of Energy Transition (PEET) in Southeast Europe. The panel was organized in the light of EU's…


22.06.2021 | Progressive Peace Policy, Social Democratic Politics and Values, News, Event

From 9th to 12th of June, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe organized a workshop in cooperation with Institute for Democratic Engagement in Southeast Europe (IDESE) at Cres, Croatia. The workshop topic was “Countering the Far-Right: Regional and Local Approaches for Action”, and gathered prominent and…


04.06.2021 | News, EPP TU Related Work, Socio-ecological transformation in SEE, Event

Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung EU and SOE offices, in media cooperation with EURACTIV, are pleased to invite you to the online discussion on the energy transition in the Western Balkans. On June 17, from 5.00 to 6.30 pm CET, we will present the findings of our latest Study on the Political Economy of Energy Transition in the…


01.06.2021 | Social Democratic Politics and Values, News, EPP TU Related Work, Socio-ecological transformation in SEE, Event

From 28th to 30th May, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe organized a regional conference for environmental activists from SEE in Ulcinj. The event gathered around 20 activists from different countries and organizations across the region. The activists gathered to exchange best practices and advance…


28.05.2021 | Social and Economic Justice, Social Democratic Politics and Values, News, EPP TU Related Work, Socio-ecological transformation in SEE, Event

Our video podcast continues with episode 2, where Hana Sokolović as our reporter spoke with Aleksandar Jovanović Ćuta, on behalf of a citizens’ movement, “Odbranimo reke Stare planine” (Defending the rivers of Old Mountains).


26.05.2021 | Progressive Peace Policy, Social Democratic Politics and Values, News, Event

As a contributor to the SFF's Dealing with the Past program, we invite all individuals and organizations to participate in this year's True Stories Market. True Stories Market is a unique event that connects you and your stories with filmmakers who documented and researched the 1990s wars, intending to bring these…


12.05.2021 | Social Democratic Politics and Values, News, EPP TU Related Work, Socio-ecological transformation in SEE, Social and Economic Justice, Event

On May 12th, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe organized second Briefing on Energy Transition in the Western Balkans. After the initial evaluation of present achievements and next steps in the first session, we partnered with CROSSBOW (Horizon2020) to deliver remarks on technology and innovation…


Dialogue Southeast Europe

Kupreška 20, 71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

+387 33 711 540
+387 33 711 541

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