
ConFESsions Podcast Episode 4: Nina Pantović (Organizacija KOD)

Episode 4 of ConFESsions Podcast is here! In our July edition, we moved to Montenegro, and our reporter had an interesting talk with Nina Pantović. Nina works with NGO Organizacija KOD, and she talked about the current state of arts when it comes to Montenegro living up to its proclamation of being an ecological country.

She also drew attention to some issues that are apparently quite similar to the entire region, which is the legal aspects of environmental protection. More often than not, the regulation in the forms of different laws do exist - what is lacking, however, is their implementation.

Nina addressed her understanding of environmental protection on all levels, from citizens' awareness that the environment needs protection and conscious behavior, to the political accountability and responsibility for effectively managing certain processes.

Her environmental activism began from a seemingly simple activity with the Organization KOD - they organized tree planting. From this, her awareness of the need to engage on these matters only grew. And now, she stresses that we have the obligation and opportunities to set examples on how to contribute to protecting our nature for a brighter and better future.

Full episode is available on the ConFESsions YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivaAyzVmGEo

Reporter: Hana Sokolović

For more information, check out our social media and website and stay tuned; the next episode goes live end of August! #ConFESsionsPodcast

Disclaimer: The opinions stated by the podcast participants do not necessarily reflect the attitudes and opinions of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

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