
ConFESsions Podcast Episode 5: Vjeran Piršić (Eko Kvarner)

Episode 5 brings a first-hand account from Vjeran Piršić, who is, as our host Hana has put it, so many things in one: a mathematician, an information scientist, and by personal and long-term endeavors - an activist. In this episode, not only do we take into account the environmental Vjeran's and Eko Kvarner's activism, but Vjeran also brings to the fore the dimension of activism in an EU Member State.

In the framework of a conversation on protecting the Adriatic and the coastline, Vjeran touched upon many different dimensions of challenges that need to be addressed such as urbanization, tourism and economy, biodiversity, and energy supply - just to name a few.

Vjeran reminded us of the importance of local community and initiatives, as well as the roles of civil society in advancing the preservation of all of our living surroundings. For his to-the-point take on activism in Croatia, and the region, tune into the Episode 5 of ConFESsions Podcast and feel free to share your impressions with us!

Full episode is available on the ConFESsions YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uRz9ujepxs

Reporter: Hana Sokolović

For more information, check out our social media and website and stay tuned; the next episode goes live end of September! #ConFESsionsPodcast

Disclaimer: The opinions stated by the podcast participants do not necessarily reflect the attitudes and opinions of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. All rights reserved.

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