
ConFESsions Podcast Episode 7: Uroš Marcel (Eko Krog)

Episode 7 takes us to Slovenia, for a conversation with Eko Krog's Uroš Marcel, environmental activist, organic farmer, and 2017 Goldman Environmental Awardee. The starting point for his and his organization's struggle was a fight for a basic human right, a fight for clean air. For Uroš, the story of activism is his life story.

Local farmers joined the movement against the industry reps, with the aim of reducing the emissions and pollution in their area. The breaking point was a decision by the thermal power plant in Trbovlje to start incinerating municipal waste, directly endangering people living in the area. Their motivation was that of a basic fight or flight instinct, either to move away or to start resisting.

Full episode is available at ConFESions Podcast YouTube channel.

"The Slovenian inspection and the authorities that should stop their work did not do that. On the contrary, they agreed with their leadership and their lawyers on how to create conditions for them to work without permission." This community took on representatives from a multinational corporation - and won. What role did the EU play? How did their activities progress? What remains now?

Find out in Episode 7 of #ConFESsionsPodcast Reporter: Hana Sokolović For more information, check out our social media and website and stay tuned; the season finale goes live end of November!



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