
| Publication

Ključni zakoni i mere donose se bez neophodnih konsultacija sa socijalnim partnerima, a u planu je donošenje novog zakona o radu, zakona o štrajku, zakona o socijalnoj zaštiti. Siromaštvo i brojne posledice siromaštva glavni su problem srpskog društva: socijalna isključenost, produbljivanje nejednakosti, razlike u razvijenosti između urbanih i seoskih područja, siromaštvo dece, pristup zdravstvenoj zaštiti.


| Publication

The level of divisiveness and polarization we are witnessing today demands a more careful consideration of the social processes driving the radical forms of political engagement, of the dynamics of radicalization and its embeddedness in pressing social and political issues.


| Publication, Publication Political Trends & Dynamics

The growing popularity and influence of reactionary, far-right movements represent an acute threat to regional and collective security and democracy in the 21st century. The rising tide of such movements has put great pressure on European societies to somehow confront them. In this edition of Political Trend & Dynamics we will explore what in fact makes these far-right movements a hazard for democracy, and how such like-minded groups are linked across the continent and with the US.


| Publication, Publication Social Democratic Politics and Values

The public and the media rarely make a distinction between the terms "refugees" and "migrants", and in many cases they use the phrase "illegal migrants". It is clear that only an act itself can be held as illegal, while an individual cannot. Such terminology further dehumanizes migrants, stigmatizes and discriminates against them, and politicians, the media and institutions are reluctant to accept the use of appropriate terms.


| Publication, Publication Social Democratic Politics and Values

The policy paper offers analysis and policy recommendations to political actors in the EU and SEE6 on current reframing of the European Union ́s enlargement policy towards the region. Integrating the SEE6 into the EU would be a step towards achieving the EU's finalité. Ultimately, it would imply that the project of European integration has consolidated into a concrete political space with a precise boundary on a continental scale. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic could be, for good or bad, a turning point in the relations between the EU and enlargement countries in the Western Balkans. However, there is also a risk that things will come to a halt as nervous EU leaders struggle to find answers for the future of the EU.


| Publication, Publication Socio-ecological transformation in SEE

There are some issues which, despite their exceptionally complex and challenging nature, we have

ample evidence to suggest are entirely solvable and, what is more, solving them would immediately change our lives for the better. Climate policy is one such issue, and with this manual of arguments, we seek to contribute to the common effort to meet this challenge.


| Publication, Publication Progressive Peace Policy

Reconciliation is a small human gesture. It is imperfect, clumsy, and timid, but it is undoubtably a human gesture. Reconciliation is a journey on which we embark alone, hoping that someone will follow us on the way back. A journey on which we embark frightened, but from which we return encouraged.


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Correspondents in nine countries – Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, and North Macedonia – have analysed how the pandemic has affected to their work environment. Lockdowns have caused print media sales and advertising revenue to collapse. Media with wealthy benefactors or state support are better placed to survive impending economic hardships. Various emergency laws and provisions allowed governments increased control over public information. In several cases, these enabled officials to evade scrutiny and attack journalists whose reporting challenged official statistics and the effectiveness of crisis measures.


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