
| Publication, Publication Social Democratic Politics and Values

The successful EU accession process relies on three key elements: first, a credible promise of membership in a reasonable timeframe; second, comprehensive negotiations during which candidate countries align their legal frameworks with EU standards; and third, substantial financial and technical assistance aimed at supporting necessary reforms and convergence. With eroding credibility of the promise of membership, several models aimed at adapting the three key elements have been proposed, including single market membership and staged accession. Each offered different pathways for closer integration with the EU.


| Publication, Publication Social Democratic Politics and Values

When asked about the concerns that drive them regarding the future of their respective countries, youth in Southeast Europe place corruption and unemployment at the top. This is the result of the representative Southeast Europe Youth Study 2024 commissioned by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, which surveyed the attitudes, hopes, and concerns of young people in twelve countries.


| Publication, Publication Social Democratic Politics and Values

Fondacija Friedrich Ebert s ponosom predstavlja ovu publikaciju, koja označava duboko ukorenjenu posvećenost naše organizacije emancipaciji žena i promociji progresivnih vrednosti u društvu. U 2022. godini, zajedno sa Ženskom platformom za razvoj Srbije, pridružili smo se inspirativnoj inicijativi posvećenoj obeležavanju 80. godišnjice osnivanja Antifašističkog fronta žena Jugoslavije. Ova značajna godišnjica predstavljala je savršenu priliku da se usmeri pažnja na neustrašivost i posvećenost žena koje su se hrabro borile protiv fašizma i za ostvarivanje ženskih prava tokom složenih društvenih prilika prošlog veka. Kroz ovu inicijativu, naš cilj bio je ne samo da oživimo sećanje na te hrabre žene, već i da otvorimo dijalog o nasleđu…


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