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509 results:
14.01.2022 | News, Event | News, Event
New: IETO - Inclusive Energy Transition in Southeast Europe
After a year of work and dedication, we finally present you with IETO – a study on Inclusive Energy Transition as an Opportunity for Southeast Europe. While we did not coin the concept,…  
132. IETO: Inclusive Energy Transition in Southeast Europe as an Opportunity  
Inclusive energy transition includes the concept of just transition but also goes beyond it, encompassing the energy democracy and the involvement of the public. Just transition planning must be…  
23.12.2021 | News, Event | News, Event
Happy Holidays!
2021 was not an easy year for the region; besides the ongoing pandemic, it brought about new challenges and resurfaced old concerns. Nevertheless, in doing so, it reaffirmed our commitment and…  
22.12.2021 | News, Event | News, Event
SFF: Dealing with the Past Program
From 19th to 25th of November, Sarajevo Film Festival and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe hosted the special edition of "Dealing with the Past“ program to continue the cooperation…  
22.12.2021 | News, Event | News, Event
Academia in Dialogue Mostar: New progressive politics in Southeast Europe
From 3rd to 5th of November, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe in cooperation with the Institute for Democratic Engagement in Southeast Europe (IDESE) hosted in Mostar another…  
136. Personalization of Politics - A comparative analysis of the impacts on democratization and autocratization in Serbia, Croatia, and Montenegro  
Politics around Europe are becoming one-men (rarely women) shows. From the likes of Orban and Janša to Vučić and Đukanović – the political influence seems to be vested deeply in the capacities and…  
20.12.2021 | News, Event | News, Event
Interview with Dr. Ralf Melzer: "The EU must keep the promises it made"
Peter Scherrer spoke with FES Dialogue SOE Head of Office, Dr. Ralf Melzer on the current developments and existing cooperation among the Western Balkan Countries  
10.12.2021 | News, Event | News, Event
Western Balkans Perspectives on the Future of Europe at Belgrade Security Forum
From October 25th to 28th, Belgrade hosted one of the most prominent regional events to discuss foreign affairs and security policy in the Balkans and Europe, the Belgrade Security Forum. For the…  
10.12.2021 | News, Event | News, Event
International Parliamentarian Conference Cavtat
From October 15th and 16th, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung regional offices Dialogue Southeast Europe and office for Croatia and Slovenia hosted the International Parliamentarian Conference in Cavtat. The…  
10.12.2021 | News, Event | News, Event
Western Balkans Perspectives on the Future of Europe: Tirana
From 12 to 14th of October, Western Balkans Perspectives on the Future of Europe gathered progressive and engaged politicians, academia members, think-thankers, and activists in Tirana, for the last…  
Search results 131 until 140 of 509