
| Publication

A positive characteristic of Serbia is the institutional and legal framework regarding digital economy and society. This has been reflected with the adoption of the new Law on Telecommunication and other digital services which are in accordance with EU regulations. The population of Serbia quickly and spontaneously accepts the latest information and communication technologies. The main weaknesses are echoed in the slow implementation of the Law, high Internet access costs and other issues.


| Publication, Publication Progressive Peace Policy, Publication Political Trends & Dynamics

Re-forging bonds between the countries of the Western Balkans (and southeastern Europe more broadly) has been an overarching issue and policy goal since the breakup of Yugoslavia. Regional cooperation has been the hallmark of EU policy since the signing of the Stability Pact in 1999. Various efforts since then (free trade, energy and transport infrastructure, the fight against corruption and organized crime, youth cooperation) have included both the Western Balkans states themselves and also the EU, the U.S., neighboring countries, and key international institutions and organizations.


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In the aftermath of Brexit referendum and after the Paris Summit, it is of utmost importance to

reflect over the progress achieved so far in the framework of the Berlin process (BP), its place

in the myriad of existing regional cooperation initiatives and platforms and the challenges

ahead. Three years after its inception and one year before its end, it is time to take stock of its

dynamics and to contribute with contextualized recommendations on its role to further enhance

regional cooperation in the Western Balkans (WB6), and to its contribution to the EU accession

path of the WB6 countries.


| Publication, Publication Progressive Peace Policy, Publication Political Trends & Dynamics

A crisis of democratic legitimacy has been building up in Southeast Europe for years, despite the best efforts of democracy promoters from within and beyond the region. Led by the EU, the international community prescribed a model of democratic and economic transition in the aftermath of the Yugoslav Wars that they hoped would make the region both prosperous and stable. While significant progress has been achieved, informed observers understand also that Balkan leaders often pay mere lipservice to reform while actual democratic development is backsliding.


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The democratic transition in Romania has been notably difficult. There are worrying signs that there is an authoritarian drift in society and the political system. If democracy is to last and be viable, Romania needs to rebuild its pluralistic and representative institutions. Will Romania join the nationalistic, conservative, and Eurosceptic Eastern bloc or will it be able to maintain its open, inclusive and pro-European perspective?


| Publication, Publication Progressive Peace Policy

Our colleagues from FES Belgrade have prepared this important study on the challenges of integrating refugees in Serbia. Apart from the actual influx of refugees from the Middle East, in the coming years more intense migratory movements caused by political/security (war), economic (poverty, unemployment) or ecological (devastation of the environment) factors, can be expected.


| Publication, Publication Progressive Peace Policy, Publication Political Trends & Dynamics

The winter months were less calm than one might expect regarding political dynamics in Southeast Europe. As in the previous period, trends within and between countries have not lent much hope for positive change. Nationalist notions have remained prominent, as seen in the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the public discourse was dominated by nativist narratives, or in the case of the relations between Serbia and Kosovo, where an attempt at symbolic politics followed well-known patterns of testing and provocation.


| Publication, Publication Progressive Peace Policy, Publication Political Trends & Dynamics

Elections and bilateral issues shaped Southeast Europe in November 2016. Election results in Bulgaria and Moldova raised concerns over a possible change in the geopolitical landscape. Potentially historic negotiations on the reunification of Cyprus suffered a setback without a breakthrough or concrete results.


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